Suggestions for adapting the PE Central Challenge Tasks
for students with disabilities
Challenge 1: Balance Shuffle
- Use bubble wrap for visually impaired students
- Have students in wheelchair keep both wheels one two lines on the gym floor
- Use lines on the gym floor
- Place two ropes on the floor, vary width of the ropes
- Use a Balance bench - individual walks and steps over pylon (bench is 12" wide)
- Use a balance bench - individual walks and steps over bean bag
- Propel wheelchair over floor beam
- Have students commando crawl down bench
Challenge 2: Hula Hooping
- Hula hoop on an arm or leg for 20 seconds
- hula with both arms simultaneously
- Turn a scarf in the air for 20 seconds
- With hoop on ground, have student in wheelchair wheels around hoop for 20 seconds
- Increase or decrease time as needed
- turn ribbon in overhead, side, and frontal plane for 20 sec. each
- turn ribbon in large circular pattern in frontal plane for 20 sec
- wave short ribbon as modeled by teacher
Challenge 3: Jump that Rope
- Have two people twirl rope while another student pushes a student in a wheelchair through the rope for 90 seconds
- For visually impaired students, have two students turn a rope with a bell attached. When the bell hits the floor, the student steps over the rope.
- Increase or decrease time if needed
- Place rope on floor and jump over continuously
- two ropes turning to side while jogging for one minute
- both handles of one rope held in left hand, both handles of one rope held in right hand, student turns ropes as if turning one rope, but no rope will pass under feet.
- two ropes turning to side while stationary for one minute
- one rope turning to side while jogging for one minute
- one rope turning to side while stationary for one minute
- jumping, hopping, jogging in place rhythmically for one minute
- self turning and stepping through large hoop 5 times.
- hold rope in different body planes as requested and modeled by teacher
- rhythmically recite jump rope rhyme
Challenge 4: Volley Up
- Self volley to yourself 10 times in a wheelchair
- Strike a ball at a target 10 times successfully
- Use balloons, beach balls, or plastic balls
- Use balls of various sizes
- Increase or decrease volley number
- For visually impaired, catch a beeper ball 10 times volleyed to them
- Bounce ball continuously for specific time
- self volley inside large hula hoop 10 times with balloon or volley ball
- volley with teacher, 10X using balloon or beach ball
- scarf juggling - self toss & catch ____ times
- catch ball tossed in high arc by teacher ____times
- launch ball 5 times overhead with foot launcher
Challenge 5: Partner Throw & Catch
- Adjust distance between partners according to ability of student
- Use Velcro chest vest and Velcro ball
- Use foot launcher to launch ball 10 times
- Use beeper ball for visually impaired
- Use balls of different sizes or colors
- Use bounce passes
- teacher to student throw & catch, 10 to 19 ft, minimum 10 catches, ind. ball choice
- teacher to student throw & catch, 3 to 9 ft, minimum 10 catches, ind. ball choice
- teacher to student throw & catch, 3 to 9 ft, minimum ____ catches, ind. ball choice
- launch ball/beanbag chest high 5 times using foot launchers
- launch ball/ beanbag a self catch _____times out of ten
- catch/snatch scarf tossed by teacher ____times
- catch and push beach or bell ball 5 times rolled across ping pong table. (wheelchair pushed next to table's edge)
Challenge 6: Paddle Strike
- Strike whiffle ball off tee with bat 10 times
- Kick a ball into a designated area 15 times
- Self throw a scarf to self 10 times
- Increase or decrease time
- Use different kinds of paddles or racquets
- strike ____ wiffle balls on tee with bat into fair territory. (or hit bleachers, gradually move the tee farther from the bleachers)
- kick rolling ball into fair territory ____ times
- strike ___ wiffle balls off tee with hand (side arm strike)
- strike teacher tossed balloon with racket ____ times
- strike wiffle or balloon suspended from string using side arm pattern ____ times
- self volley balloon with racket continuously for ____sec. while standing in 3-4 diameter space