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The PE Central Challenge© Building Successful Movers One Skill at a Time |
Announcement: Registration for this years Challenge is over. We will open up registration for the 2010 Challenge on or around Sept. 1, 2009. You can still offer the Challenge to your kids for free and purchase pins as rewards or download our free certificates.
The PE Central Challenge© is our easy-to-implement skills/cooperation challenge for 4th and 5th graders. The program helps kids learn skills such as throwing and catching and it encourages kids to work together and cooperate. There are 6 challenge tasks that form the Challenge. The kids have 5 months to complete the Challenge tasks. If a student passes 4 of 6 challenges they earn a bronze award pin, 5 of 6 earns a silver pin, and 6 of 6 earns a gold pin. Teachers can offer the Challenge before or after school, at lunch or recess, and you set up a parent event in the evening. Learn more.
You can participate for free or you can register each year. Registration cost is $20.00 per year. Registered participants enjoy a number of benefits including reduced prices on pin purchases. Unregistered participants can award students the free downloadable certificates and purchase pins at a cost of $1.25 each. Click here for the pin order form (non-registrants only). Email [email protected].

Great savings on the PE Central Easy Pack
containing all of the equip you need

The PE Central Challenge© has been developed as a way to encourage youngsters to practice a number of the motor skills that are typically taught in physical education classes. Teachers and children who participate in the PE Central Challenge© do so on a voluntary basis. PE Technologies, Inc., PE Central, and any sponsor of the PE Central Challenge cannot be held responsible for improperly implementing the PE Central Challenge© in physical education programs, or in other movement settings, or for any injury that might occur to the children, teacher or other adults when youngsters are practicing or being tested on any of the PE Central Challenges©. Successful implementation of the PE Central Challenge© requires users to provide and maintain a safe movement area and equipment for youngsters. It is solely the responsibility of the users of the PE Central Challenge© to provide that safe moving environment.
Copyright© 1999-2009 PE Central Challenge, PE Central. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized publication of any of the specific PE Central Challenges©, ideas or artwork is strictly prohibited unless permission is granted by PE Central. Publication extends to all electronic formats (e.g., Web Sites, etc.) as well. If you wish to contact us regarding permission to use materials contained in the PE Central Challenge© e-mail us at to [email protected] or mail/fax us at the following address.