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The PE Central Challenge©
Building Successful Movers One Skill at a Time

Challenge Videos to Download to Computer

Below you will find short (most are less than 30 seconds) video clips of each of the challenge tasks that make up the PE Central Motor Skills Challenge. The clips feature actual students performing the tasks. You will need the latest FREE versions of Windows Media Player and/or Apple's Quick Time Player to view these movies.

To download these videos to your computer just right click with your mouse and save to your desktop.

* Windows Media Player Format

  1. Partner Throw and Catch
  2. Paddle Strike
  3. Hula Hoop
  4. Volley Up
  5. Jump that Rope
  6. Balance Shuffle

Download Windows Media Player

* Apple's Quicktime Player Format

* PE Central expresses their gratitude to Dr. Stu Ryan and the students at the Univ. of West Florida who put the Windows Media Player videos together. Special thanks to physical educator Huey Pearson and his students at Cordova Park Elementary School who allowed the University to film his students participating in the PE Central Challenge.

* PE Central expresses their gratitude to Mrs. Shawn Fortner, Physical Educator, and the students at Back Creek Elementary for letting us film and publish them attempting the challenge tasks.

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