The following is data that has been collected on previous PE Central Challenges. Some data were collected by tallying while other data were collected from our Challenge Exit Survey.

PE Central Challenge Data Comparison (1999 - 2003)
Data Point
FlagHouse, Inc.
FlagHouse, Inc.
PE Central / New Lifestyles
New Lifestyles
New Lifestyles
Dates February 14 - April 16, 1999 November 3, 1999 - April 1, 2000 October 23, 2000 - April 1, 2001 October 16, 2001 - April 1, 2002 October 1, 2002 - April 1, 2003
Months Available 2 5 5 6 6
# of Challenges 6 6 6 6 6

Balance Shuffle
Hula Hooping
Jump that Rope
Volley Up
Partner Throw & Catch
Paddle Strike

Balance Shuffle
Hula Hooping
Jump that Rope
Volley Up
Partner Throw & Catch
Paddle Strike

Balance Shuffle
Hula Hooping
Jump that Rope
Volley Up
Partner Throw & Catch
Paddle Strike

Balance Shuffle
Hula Hooping
Jump that Rope
Volley Up
Partner Throw & Catch
Paddle Strike

Balance Shuffle
Hula Hooping
Jump that Rope
Volley Up
Partner Throw & Catch
Paddle Strike

Challenges Modified N/A Partner Throw & Catch
Paddle Strike
Jump that Rope
Partner Throw & Catch None None
# of Participating Schools 59 133 365 680 798
# of Participating Students Reported 5180-6555 13,232-18,906 61,940 101,909 118,527
Maximum # of free pins per teacher 100 75 50 50 50
# of total free pins available 5,000 10,000 22,500 40,000 45,000
Time for free pins to be reserved 48 hours  29 hours  17.5 hours 144 hours (6 days) 31 hours
Total # of Pins Claimed at end 4845 8650 18,251 34,810 41,392
# Gold Claimed 1885 3129 7502 14,530 16,562
# Silver Claimed 1434 2487 5126 9561 11,419
# Bronze Claimed 1526 3034 5623 10,719 13,411
# of USA States 30 34 44 49 (+ Guam & DC) 50 (+ DC)
# of Countries USA, Canada

USA, Canada, Japan, Jordan

USA, Canada, Thailand, Malta, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates USA, Canada, Pakistan, New Zealand, Italy, Northern Marianas Islands, United Arab Emirates USA, Canada, Pakistan, New Zealand, Italy, United Arab Emirates